Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations in Iranian patients with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer


Introduction: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women; however, due to the complexity ofchromosomal changes, limited data are available regarding chromosomal constitution. Materials and
Methods:In this study, Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) was used on 16 Iranian patients diagnosed withinvasive ductal breast carcinomas.
Results: 12 samples had abnormal CGH results (75%), including 21 types ofchromosomal imbalance. The most prevalent were chromosomal gain of +1q, +17q, +8q and chromosomal lossof -13q. All three cases with DNA loss at chromosome 13q (-13q) had lymph node metastasis.
Conclusions: CGHis able to detect chromosomal abnormalities which are difficult to identify by conventional cytogenetic techniques.More studies on a larger sample size may help to confirm or rule out any possible correlation between 13qmonosomy and lymph node metastasis, which could result in establishing new strategies for prevention andearly detection of invasive breast tumors.
