Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer in Kyrgyzstan Women of Reproductive Age


The purpose of the present study was to assess the ovarian cancer incidence rate among women of reproductiveage in Kyrgyzstan. Sources of data were records of all patients who were first diagnosed as suffering fromovarian cancer at reproductive age (15-49) during the period 1999-2006. Descriptive and analytical methods ofonco-epidemiology were applied. It was established that the ovarian cancer incidence among general femalepopulation of reproductive age equaled 4.3±0.3 per 100,000 population. Incidence rate was increasing in dynamics.Average age of patients in this category was 37.9±0.5. Analysis of age indicators demonstrated that incidencerate was higher within later reproductive age (40-49) at 11.2±0.60/0000. Incidence among the two main ethnicpopulation groups was analyzed: Kyrgyz and Russian. Whereas rates appeared to be increasing in the former,the latter demonstrated paradoxical decrease.
