Breast Cancer: Awareness and Risk Factors in College-goingYounger Age Group Women in Rajasthan


Objectives: To determine awareness about breast cancer and its risk factors. Study design: Communitybased prospective cross sectional analysis. Setting: College-going younger age group women of Rajasthan, withwomen’s knowledge about breast cancer, risk factors, treatment, detection and preventive modalities as mainoutcome measures.
Results: All the respondents had heard of breast cancer. Awareness about breast mass/lumpto be cardinal symptom of breast cancer was true for 65% of respondents. The main early diagnostic modalitymammography was known by 19% of respondents while 49% aware about ultrasonography. Some 28% of thewomen were not aware about self breast examination.
Conclusions: Women do have knowledge deficits aboutbreast cancer and various related factors.
