Mortality from Stomach Cancer in Serbia, Excluding theProvince of Kosovo, in the 1991-2009 Period


Background/Aim: Stomach cancer is the second most common cause of death from all malignant tumors in theworld (third in men, fifth in women), with a strong decreasing trend in most developed countries. The aim of thisdescriptive epidemiological study was to analyze mortality of stomach cancer in Serbia, excluding the Provinceof Kosovo, in the 1991-2009 period. Materials and
Methods: In data analysis, we used mortality rates whichwere standardized directly using those of the world population as a standard. In order to analyze the mortalitytrend from stomach cancer, linear trend and regression analysis were used. Confidence intervals (CIs) for theaverage age-adjusted and age-specific mortality rates were assessed with 95% level of probability. Mortality datawere derived from the data file of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.
Results: During the 1991-2009period, a significant downward trend in mortality of stomach cancer was recorded in Serbia (y=9.78 - 0.13x,p=0.000; average annual percent change was - 6.3 (95%CI, -7.8 to - 4.8). During the same period, a significantdecrease in mortality trend was found both in male (y=14.13 - 0.20x; p=0.000; % change was -7.7 (95%CI, -10.9to -4.5) and female populations (y=6.27 - 0.08x; p=0.000; % change was - 4.4 (95%CI, -5.3 to -3.6).
Conclusion:Decreasing trends in mortality from stomach cancer in Serbia are similar to those in most developed countries.
