Breast, Cervix and Colorectal Cancer Knowledge among Nurses in Turkey


Background: Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in Turkey. Nurses are essential providersof preventive care for patients, especially breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening as part of routinepreventive practice. The aim of this study was to assess knowledge of these cancers among nurses in KarabukState Hospital. Materials and
Methods: This cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed from April 1to July 30, 2013. The study sample consisted of 226 nurses working in Karabuk State Hospital.
Results: Meanage of the nurses was 32.07±8.39. 62.4% of nurses practiced breast self examination when they remembered it,while 39.8% of them did not take a Pap smear test since they did not think it was necessary. 64.2% of nurseswould like to receive information about cancer and screening tests. Majority of them had given true answersto questions on breast, cervical and colorectal cancer. There were significant relationships between cancerknowledge scores and marital status, working experience, and level of education.
Conclusions: Nurses possessadequate knowledge about breast cancer but they need more information on cancer risk estimation. Awarenessmay be raised in nurses by establishing continuing education programs regarding the risk factors, symptoms,protection methods, early diagnosis, and scanning of breast, cervix and colon cancers.
