Estimation of Leucine Aminopeptidase and 5-Nucleotidase Increases Alpha-Fetoprotein Sensitivity in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cases


Purpose: To find parameters that can increase alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) sensitivity and so help in accuratediagnosis and rapid management of hepatocullular carcinoma (HCC), as AFP has limited utility of distinguishingHCC from benign hepatic disorders for its high false-positive and false negative rates. Materials and
Methods:Serum levels of AFP, 5’-nucleotidase enzyme activity (5-NU) and leucine aminopeptidase enzyme (LAP) activitywere measured in 40 individuals.
Results: LAP and 5’NU were elevated in HCC at p<0.001. Pearson correlationcoefficients showed that changes in AFP exhibited positive correlation with both 5’-NU and LAP at (p<0.001).The complementary use of LAP only with AFP resulted in an increase in sensitivity of AFP from 75% to 90%in detecting HCC. The complementary use of both LAP and 5-NU with AFP resulted in an increased sensitivityof AFP in detecting HCC from 75% to 95%.
Conclusions: LAP and 5-FU can be determined in HCC patientsin combination with AFP to improve its sensitivity and decrease false negative results.
