Predictors of Tobacco Use among Youth in India: GATS 2009- 2010 Survey


Background: Tobacco use among youth in India is an increasingly rising burden. It is affected by various socio-demographic factors, which form predictors of use. Focus on these predictors can help policy makers in curbing the major morbidity and mortality due to tobacco among youth.
Objective: To study the various sociodemographic variables associated with tobacco use among youth in India. Materials and
Methods: The study was a secondary analysis of data from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, India 2009-10, in the age group of 15-24 years. Predictors of smoking and smokeless tobacco were analysed using data on occupation, education, and other sociodemographic factors place of living. Epi Info used for conducting the analysis.
Results: The total population interviewed in GATS India -2010 was 69,926. Of these the youth population between 15- 24. The total number of tobacco users (smokers and smokeless) was 2,969 (22.%). There were 11 (3.05%) dual users. Smokeless form of tobacco (15.1%) was used more than smoked form among youth. Males and urban youth preferred smoked form of tobacco over smokeless form. Smoking among youth had an inverse relation with increasing education level. Majority of smokeless form of tobacco users and dual users belonged to poor economic classes.
Conclusions: This productive age group is more susceptible to tobacco addiction, especially smokeless tobacco. Rural youth, students, female sex and poor socio-economic strata prefer smokeless whereas urban, male and lesser educated youth preferred smoked form of tobacco. Efforts should be directed towards discouraging tobacco use initiation among the young population in India.
