Modifying Health Behavior for Liver Fluke and Cholangiocarcinoma Prevention with the Health Belief Model and Social Support Theory


Parasitic Disease Research Unit, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand


The liver uke Opisthorchis viverrini is a serious health problem in Thailand. Infection is associated with cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), endemic among human populations in northeast and north Thailand where raw sh containing uke metacercariae are frequently consumed. Recently, Thailand public health authorities have been organized to reduce morbidity and mortality particularly in the northeast through O. viverrini and CCA screening projects. Health modi cation is one of activities included in this campaign, but systemic guidelines of modifying and developing health behavior among liver uke and CCA prevention in communities towards health belief and social support theory are still various and unclear. Here we review the guidelines for modifying and developing health behavior among populations in rural communities to strengthen understanding regarding perceived susceptibility, severity, bene ts, and barriers to liver uke and CCA prevention. This model may be useful for public health of cers and related organizations to further health behavior change in endemic areas.