Subjective and Personal Characteristics of Women with Breast Cancer: A Factorial Model of Disease Risks and the Course of Disease

Document Type : Research Articles


1 Psychology Faculty, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia.

2 Psychology and Pedagogy, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate psychological factors influencing the incidence of breast cancer in women. Methods: Basic beliefs, coping strategies, hardiness, subjective control, personal helplessness and independence were studied in 184 women, of which 80 women diagnosed with breast cancer, 104 women without a cancer diagnosis. All study participants completed psychodiagnostic methods and sociodemographic questionnaires. First, we analyzed differences in the psychological characteristics of women depending on the presence of an oncological diagnosis (F - Fisher’s test). Second, we conducted factor analysis (principal component analysis with Varimax with Kaiser Normalization) to obtain psychological risk factors for breast cancer in women. Results: Distinctive psychological characteristics of women with breast cancer have been discovered. Women with breast cancer underestimate their worth and importance (p=0.021), as well as their luck (p=0.006) and the ability to control events in their lives (p=0.019). Women with breast cancer are very independent (arrogance) (p=0.000), rarely use confrontation-type coping (p=0.05), positive reappraisal (p=0.05), and planful problem-solving (p=0.035). Women diagnosed with breast cancer have an external locus of control (p=0.002), and are low hardiness (p=0.029). The listed features that distinguish women with breast cancer from cancer-free women were considered as probabilistic psychological risk factors for breast cancer. As a result of factor analysis, a model was obtained that included psychological factors associated with breast cancer in women: Independence (arrogance) (28.88% of variance), Belief system (24.83% of variance), Maladaptive coping (20.17% of variance). Conclusions: Extreme independence, beliefs about one’s failure, insignificance and inability to control life, as well as maladaptive coping are probabilistic psychological risk factors for breast cancer among Russian women.


Main Subjects