Author = Angela Gabrielly Quirino Freitas
Factors that Affect Performance of Clinical Breast Examination and Mammography Screening among Brazilian Women

Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2023, Pages 3477-3486

Ana Dark Aires de Farias; Larissa Nogueira de Siqueira Barbosa; Mathias Weller

Availability of Diagnostic Services and their Impact on Patient Flow in Two Brazilian Referral Centres of Breast Cancer Treatment

Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 317-324

Tácila Thamires de Melo Santos; Lorena Sofia dos Santos Andrade; Milena Edite Case de Oliveira; Kedma Anne Lima Gomes; Tiago Almeida de Oliveira; Mathias Weller

Differential Impact of Education Level, Occupation and Marital Status on Performance of the Papanicolaou Test among Women from Various Regions in Brazil

Volume 20, Issue 4, April 2019, Pages 1037-1044

Saionara Açucena Vieira Alves; Albert Schiavetto de Souza; Mathias Weller; Adriane Pires Batiston

Increased Risk of Penile Cancer among Men Working in Agriculture

Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 237-241

Porfírio Fernandes de Medeiros Junior; Eugênio Henrique Vilela Silva; Kevin Leite Moura; Yasmin de Aquino; Mathias Weller