Keywords = early onset
Associations of KRAS Mutations and Clinical Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer Patients in Indonesia

Volume 25, Issue 10, October 2024, Pages 3457-3461

Reno Rudiman; Ahmad N Alfarisy; Kiki Lukman; Prapanca Nugraha; Yoopie Setiawan; Yunia Sribudiani

Intronic Variant of MUTYH Gene Exhibits A Strong Association with Early Onset of Breast Cancer Susceptibility in Indonesian Women Population

Volume 22, Issue 12, December 2021, Pages 3985-3991

Sonar Soni Panigoro; Erlin Listiyaningsih; Ika Nurlaila; Bharuno Mahesworo; Alam Ahmad Hidayat; Arif Budiarto; Digdo Sudigyo; Dian Amirullah; Simon Simon; James Baurley; Bens Pardamean

The TP63 Gene Polymorphism rs17506395 is Associated with Early Breast Cancer in Cameroon

Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 2199-2208

Arnol T Z Tiofack; Gustave Simo; Elvis Ofon; Esther Dina-Bell; Chancelin M Kamla; Sidonie N Ananga; Tchamfong Roger; Theophile N Nana; Charlotte T Ngeufack; Adamou Fewou; Samuel Takongmo; Smiths Lueong