The final goal of epidemiology is the establishment of prevention measures and the promotion of better human health. The information we obtain through research needs to be substantially supplemented by comprehensive knowledge of the standardized “global strategy”. To establish regional cancer control programs, we need basic data on cancer incidence and mortality in the general populace gained from well-organized cancer registration and collection of vital statistics. Cancer is a typical lifestyle related disease and we should define the risk and protective factors for cancer in particular peoples. In general, lifestyle is established by long-term acquired culture in each ethnic group and area, and we cannot easily transfer established cancer control programs from developed countries to other states with a very different cultural background. We need to establish our own cancer control strategy that would be accommodating our own physical and social environments. This was the reason why the Asia Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention ( APOCP) was set up to promote all aspects of cancer prevention across our own area of the globe. The idea of a Practical Prevention Program (PPP) pilot center in Asia was a well-timed proposal and to now promote the PPP, continuous grass route activity by core persons and institutions, accompanied by positive participation of the general populace, is indispensable. The APOCP and the UICC should play central roles in providing rear-area logistic support to promote local activities on cancer control. What we learn here in the Asian Pacific will also be of great assistance to efforts in other areas of the world.
(2002). Programs for Asian Pacific Cancer Prevention in Response to the Four Strategic Directions of UICC for the New Millennium. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 3(3), 263-266.
. "Programs for Asian Pacific Cancer Prevention in Response to the Four Strategic Directions of UICC for the New Millennium", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 3, 3, 2002, 263-266.
(2002). 'Programs for Asian Pacific Cancer Prevention in Response to the Four Strategic Directions of UICC for the New Millennium', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 3(3), pp. 263-266.
, "Programs for Asian Pacific Cancer Prevention in Response to the Four Strategic Directions of UICC for the New Millennium," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 3 3 (2002): 263-266,
Programs for Asian Pacific Cancer Prevention in Response to the Four Strategic Directions of UICC for the New Millennium. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2002; 3(3): 263-266.