Despite the mountain of information generated by researchers, the cancer problem has not significantlydeclined and perhaps in certain situations it is gradually increasing, affecting those who are previously at lowrisk. There is a tendency to believe that positive outcomes can always be expected once intervention activities,like exercise promotion, are carried out, but practical experience gives rise to serious doubt. A greaterunderstanding of the biological mechanisms operating in the physical activity‚ cancer relation, completemeasurement of physical activity through a subject’s life, assessment of all potential confounders and associationmodifiers are needed to confirm a protective role of physical activity in cancer development and allow specificexercise prescriptions for community-based prevention in particular cancer sites. Furthermore, the mostimportant impetus of any community intervention approach should be oriented in the form of ‘from people tothe people’. More emphasis needs to be placed on effective management and parameters for assessment ofmanagement success.
(2008). Community Participatory Approach: An Important Managerial Role in Cancer Control. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 9(2), 357-360.
. "Community Participatory Approach: An Important Managerial Role in Cancer Control", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 9, 2, 2008, 357-360.
(2008). 'Community Participatory Approach: An Important Managerial Role in Cancer Control', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 9(2), pp. 357-360.
, "Community Participatory Approach: An Important Managerial Role in Cancer Control," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 9 2 (2008): 357-360,
Community Participatory Approach: An Important Managerial Role in Cancer Control. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2008; 9(2): 357-360.