The Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention was launched approximately 10 years ago withpublication of a booklet entitled ‘Introduction to Cancer Prevention in Tables and Figures’. This was followedby regular quarterly publication of the APJCP starting in the year 2000 - a new project for a new millenium -and a number of research meetings held across Asia. The journal is now in its 10th year, indexed on PubMed andScience Citation Index (Expanded) and relatively well known (not least for its yellow cover). However, its futureafter its tenth birthday remains uncertain, as there is no infrastructure in place to ensure continuation afterretirement of the present Chief/Managing Editor. The question of what might be the best way forward is thefocus for the present ‘Editorial Comment’. For financial as well as ecological reasons the APJCP is now anelectronic journal, printing and postage for issues of almost 200 pages being beyond the resources available.While the costs are therefore relatively low and primarily limited to staff salaries, they do need to be coveredand it cannot be simply assumed that the present support provided by the UICC Japanese National Committeewill continue long-term. Therefore comments and suggestions are invited from all interested individuals andinstitutions as to how the APJCP, and by extension the APOCP, should be organized and financed. Allcommunications received will be given space in the next few issues of the APJCP so that discussion can befostered and informed decisions made at the 5th APOCP General Assembly Conference in Istanbul, April 2010.
(2009). What is the Future for the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (and Control) and the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (and Control)?. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10(1), 1-2.
. "What is the Future for the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (and Control) and the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (and Control)?", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10, 1, 2009, 1-2.
(2009). 'What is the Future for the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (and Control) and the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (and Control)?', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10(1), pp. 1-2.
, "What is the Future for the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (and Control) and the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (and Control)?," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10 1 (2009): 1-2,
What is the Future for the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (and Control) and the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (and Control)?. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2009; 10(1): 1-2.