Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer type seen among women in most countriesand an important cause of mortality. Although it is a preventable disease, most women living in developingcountries cannot reach effective screening programs. It is essential that appropriate education about cervicalcancer is provided. Objective: This experimental field study was performed with the aim of evaluating theefficacy of training given to women about cervical cancer risk factors and primary and secondary preventionprecautions. Methods: The research focused on women between 25 and 29 years of age, literate, married andhaving social security. The study was conducted in the district of Evka 4 Health Care Center between the datesof April to August 2005. The women were given survey forms and questionnaires in order to determine theirsocio-demographic features and knowledge level about cervical cancer in the course of home visits. They weretrained and given a manual at the data collection stage. At a second visit, carried out three months later, thetrained women were again evaluated for their knowledge level about cervical cancer, risk factors and whetherthey had undergone a Pap smear test. Results: Together with the difference between pre-/post-training meaninformation scores related to women’s cervical cancer risk factors, the difference between the women’s havinga Pap smear test in the pre-/post-training period was found statistically significant. Only 16.3% of the womenstated that they had a Pap smear test in the post-training period. Conclusions: It was determined that thewomen were in need of knowledge about risk factors related to cervical cancer, prevention from and earlydiagnosis of cervical cancer, but there was no significant increase in the rate of having a Pap smear test despitethe increase in the knowledge level with the training given.
(2009). Efficacy of a Training Course Given by Midwives Concerning Cervical Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10(3), 437-442.
. "Efficacy of a Training Course Given by Midwives Concerning Cervical Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10, 3, 2009, 437-442.
(2009). 'Efficacy of a Training Course Given by Midwives Concerning Cervical Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10(3), pp. 437-442.
, "Efficacy of a Training Course Given by Midwives Concerning Cervical Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 10 3 (2009): 437-442,
Efficacy of a Training Course Given by Midwives Concerning Cervical Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2009; 10(3): 437-442.