The Delhi Population based cancer registry collects data on new cancer cases diagnosed among Delhi urbanresident population. The sources for cancer registration are more than 162 government hospitals/centers and250 private hospitals and nursing homes. During the period 1st January 2001 to 31st December 2005 a total of54,554 cases were registered of which 28,262 were males and 26,292 were females. The age adjusted (worldpopulation) incidence rates were 116.9 per 100,000 for males and 116.7 per 100,000 for females. The leading sitesof cancer among Delhi males was lung (ASR: 13.8 per 100,000) followed by oral cavity (ASR:11.4), prostate(ASR:9.0) and larynx (ASR:7.9). In females, breast (ASR: 30.2 per 100,000) was the most common site ofcancer, followed by cervix uteri (ASR:17.5), ovary (ASR:8.5) and gallbladder (ASR:7.4). The incidence of prostatecancer in males and ovary cancer in females in Delhi were the highest among the Indian registries, while larynxamong males was the second highest and the gallbladder cancer in females was the highest among Indianmetropolitan cities.