Background: Varicella is highly contagious and dangerous disease especially in immunocompromisedpatients. Children with cancer are at increased risk of severe illness and fatal cases occur. Objective: To describean outbreak of varicella among in-patient cancer children, family members and staff. Estella Children CancerCenter in Manado, Indonesia with 14 beds and a 15 bed capacity guest house for family members. Methods: Aretrospective study of patients, family members and staff who were diagnosed with varicella based on clinicalappearance was performed. Follow up was until 28 days from the last patient diagnosis’ date. Results: From lateFebruary to early May 2009, varicella was affecting 4 among 8 children with leukemia, 1 family member and1 housekeeping staff. Measurers taken after the index case were oral acyclovir both for patients and contacts,patient isolation, ward disinfection and some chemotherapy interruption. Nevertheless, a second and third waveof varicella occurred. The index case died due to encephalitis. Other patients were non-severe and cured, butone child was lost to follow up. Conclusions: This outbreak highlights the importance of proper prevention andprompt management of varicella in immunocompromised patients. Simple and locally applicable guidelines areneeded.