Cognitive and Dynamic Effects of Training Given to Womenat Risk of Breast Cancer


Background: Breast canceris an important public health problem. Although the disease is widespread, theprognosis is good, especially with early diagnosis. For this to occur, a consciousness of protection of breast healthfor all women is necessary, and risk groups need to be particularly targeted. Aim: This study was conducted todetermine dynamic and cognitive effects of training given to women in a risk group.
Method: This study thatis planned as an intervention study has been carried out in a city that is on the eastern part of Turkey betweenFebruary and June in 2009. The data weregathered through a question form aimed at diagnosing the knowledgeand applications of women about breast cancer, and hospital reports of women and control lists of BSE skills.The women in the risk group were given five sessions of training split into groups of 12-13 persons. For thepurpose of realizing the cognitive effects of the training, pre-test and post test measures were assessed. The datawere evaluated using number percentages and the McNemar test.
Results: At the end of the training program,compared to previous training period, women’s knowledge, at the cognitive level, related with the risk factors,symptoms and the early diagnosis methods of the breast cancer was seen to have been expressively increased. Asfor effects at the dynamic level, one month after the training program had been completed, women re-evaluatedand 77.5% had conducted breast self-examination (BSE) at least one time, and 65.0% of them have passedthrough medical breast diagnosis and scanning tests by applying to hospital.
Conclusion: In a study aimed toincrease the conscious level and awareness related with breast health in women, variation at both cognitive anddynamic levels were evident at the end of the training program.
