Background: Although cervical cancer is a preventable disease, its prevalence is increasing in many developingcountries. The aim of this study was to evaluate risk factors. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional studywas conducted on 100 cervical cancer cases according to their pathology reports in Yazd city. The patients werereferred to 4 gynecological centers. Demographic data (age, age at marriage, number of marriages and spouses,age at first pregnancy, frequency of pregnancies and term labors, positive history of smoking and Pap smearfindings were documented by interview, questionnaire and reviewing patients documents. The data were analyzedwith SPSS software. Results: Mean age of the patients was 53.6 years. Mean age of marriage and first pregnancywas 15.2 and 16.6; respectively. Twenty percent (20%) of the cases married more than once and husbands of 38patients (38%) had another wife too. Frequency of pregnancies and term labors was 7.4 and 6.4 in our patients.Some 17% of the patients had history of smoking; while 53% of them were passive smokers. Also only 2% ofour patients have done Pap smear before diagnosis. Discussion: The important risk factors of patients withcervical cancer were as follows: Marriage at young age (15.2%), high mean parity (7.4), low mean age at firstpregnancy (16.2 year), smoking, and not doing Pap smear. Conclusion: There is important association betweenmass screening program with Pap smear and decreasing cervical cancer. Thus we should increase our womenknowledge about all of risk-factors of cervical cancer and get them clues about regular pap smears.
(2010). Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Risk-factors in Women referredto Yazd-Iran Hospitals from 2002 to 2009. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 11(2), 537-538.
. "Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Risk-factors in Women referredto Yazd-Iran Hospitals from 2002 to 2009", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 11, 2, 2010, 537-538.
(2010). 'Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Risk-factors in Women referredto Yazd-Iran Hospitals from 2002 to 2009', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 11(2), pp. 537-538.
, "Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Risk-factors in Women referredto Yazd-Iran Hospitals from 2002 to 2009," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 11 2 (2010): 537-538,
Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Risk-factors in Women referredto Yazd-Iran Hospitals from 2002 to 2009. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2010; 11(2): 537-538.