Objective: The Caregiver Strain İndex (CSI) made up of 13 items was developed by Robinson (1983) andassesses the subjective care load of the caregiver. This study was conducted to evaluate its validity and reliabilityfor Turkish society. Design: a cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants: 132 family members providingcare for cancer patients Intervention: CSI was adopted for Turkey and administered twice via face-to- faceinterviews to 132 family members providing care for cancer patients from the Day Patient Unit of Ege Universityhospital. The content validity of the “Caregiver Strain Index” Kendall analysis was used while Pearson’s momentCorrelation Coefficient was applied for the test reset reliability of the scale and Cronbach’s Alpha Interpretationstatistical analysis tests for internal consistency and rotated factor loading of items of the scale. Results: Validityof the index was found to be 0.41 and test-retest reliability 0.75. While the Cronbach’s alpha value of the indexfor first administration was 0.77, it was found to be 0.73 for the second administration. Conclusions: At the endof our study, validity and reliability of the index were established, indicating utility in studies for assessing thecare load of individuals providing care to cancer patients in Turkish society.