HPV Vaccine Acceptability among Women in the Philippines


Aim: To examine attitudes toward and acceptability of HPV vaccination among a community-based sampleof women in the Philippines.
Methods: Self-administered surveys were completed by 435 adult women. Intent toreceive the HPV vaccine was assessed at low, moderate, and high vaccine price through responses on Likert scaleitems. The theory-grounded survey assessed attitudinal correlates, as well as sociodemographic, behavioral, andhealth-related characteristics.
Results: Over half of the sample (54%) was accepting of HPV vaccination at thelow price, but only 30% and 31% were accepting at the moderate and high price, respectively. Negative intentto receive the vaccine was significantly associated with women’s indication that their mothers or partners wereinfluential in their vaccination decisions. Perceived social support, access to transportation, perceived benefits ofvaccination, perceived susceptibility to HPV, history of pap testing, and having been exposed to vaccine-promotingmedia were among factors independently associated with positive intent to receive the vaccine.
Conclusions: HPVvaccine acceptance among Filipina women is contingent on affordable pricing. A successful vaccine initiativein the region must minimize structural barriers, foster familial and social support for vaccination, incorporateHPV education, and work within cultural norms.
