World Gynecologic Oncology Publications and the Turkish Contribution to the Literature between 2000 and 2007


Aim: To investigate the number of publications and the contribution from top-ranking countries, institutions,and authors in 3 gynecologic oncology journals (Gynecologic Oncology [GO], International Journal ofGynecological Cancer [IJGC], and European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology [EJGO]),as well as the degree ofTurkish contribution between 2000 and 2007.
Method: Articles published between 2000 and 2007 in 3 gynecologiconcology journals indexed by the Science Citation Index were accessed via the ISI-Thomson website. Additionally,PubMed, Sciencedirect, and Blackwell-Synergy databases were used to identify the originating countries andinstitutions of the published articles. The types of articles, originating countries, and names of the institutionsand authors were determined. Furthermore, the number of articles affiliated with Turkish institutions and thepublication year were also determined.
Results: We located 6,851 articles published in the 3 journals. Duringthis period 36.1%, 7.7%, 7.2%, 5.8% and 4.8% of the papers originated from the USA, Japan, Italy, Turkey, andEngland, respectively. The 5 most productive institutions were the University of Texas, Memorial Sloan-KetteringCancer Center, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University of Alabama, and University of Athens. The 5 mostproductive authors were Markman (USA), Chi (USA), Ayhan (Turkey), Barakat (USA), and Vergote (Belgium),respectively. In all, 36.1% of the papers originated from the USA, while 44% originated from 17 Europeancountries. The USA was the first-ranked country of origin in GO and IJGC, while Turkey was the first-rankedcountry of origin in EJGO. Overall, 399 (5.8%) papers originated from Turkish institutions.
Conclusion: Mostof the gynecologic oncology publications originated from the USA and Western European countries, wheregynecologic oncology training is available and surgical and research traditions are well established. On the otherhand, Turkish researchers made an important contribution to gynecologic oncology research during the selectedperiod of time; publications originating from Turkey exceeded in number all European countries, except thoseoriginating from Italy.
