High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes are the major cause of cervical cancer. Hence, HPVgenotype detection is a helpful preventive measure to combat cervical cancer. Recently, several HPV detectionmethods have been developed, each with different sensitivities and specificities. The objective of this study was tocompare HPV high risk genotype detection by an electrochemical DNA chip system, a line probe assay (INNOLiPA)and sequencing of the L1, E1 regions. A total of 361 cervical smears with different cytological findingswere subjected to polymerase chain reaction-sequencing and electrochemical DNA chip assessment. Multipleinfections were found in 21.9% (79/361) of the specimens, most prevalently in 20-29-year olds while the highestprevalence of HPV infection was found in the 30-39-year age group. The most prevalent genotype was HPV 16at 28.2% (138/489) followed by HPV 52 at 9.6% (47/489), with the other types occurring at less than 9.0%. Theelectrochemical DNA chip results were compared with INNO-LiPA and sequencing (E1 and L1 regions) based onrandom selection of 273 specimens. The results obtained by the three methods were in agreement except for threecases. Direct sequencing detected only one predominant genotype including low risk HPV genotypes. INNO-LiPAidentified multiple infections with various specific genotypes including some unclassified-risk genotypes. Theelectrochemical DNA chip was highly accurate, suitable for detection of single and multiple infections, allowedrapid detection, was less time-consuming and was easier to perform when compared with the other methods.It is concluded that for clinical and epidemiological studies, all genotyping methods are perfectly suitable andprovide comparable results.
(2012). High-risk Human Papillomavirus Genotype Detection by Electrochemical DNA Chip Method. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13(4), 1151-1158.
. "High-risk Human Papillomavirus Genotype Detection by Electrochemical DNA Chip Method", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13, 4, 2012, 1151-1158.
(2012). 'High-risk Human Papillomavirus Genotype Detection by Electrochemical DNA Chip Method', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13(4), pp. 1151-1158.
, "High-risk Human Papillomavirus Genotype Detection by Electrochemical DNA Chip Method," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13 4 (2012): 1151-1158,
High-risk Human Papillomavirus Genotype Detection by Electrochemical DNA Chip Method. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2012; 13(4): 1151-1158.