Diagnosis and treatment procedures in cancers and resulting anxiety negatively affect the individual andthe family. Particularly treatment methods may generate psychological symptoms. The aim of this study was todetermine the level of such symptoms in Turkish gynecologic cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. A totalof 41 patients who were referred to our gynecologic oncology research clinic between January-March 2012,receiving 3 months or more chemotherapy and who agreed to participate were enrolled in study. All the datawere collected using a personal information form, Edmonton Symptom Assesment System and State-TraitAnxiety Inventory. Patients received highest point average from fatigue symptom (6.53±2.67) and lowest pointaverage from dyspnea (1.53±3.03) according to Edmonton Symptom Assesment System. The mean State Anxietyscore of patients was 43.1±9.77 and mean Trait Anxiety score was 46.7±7.01. Comparing symptoms of patientsand mean State Anxiety score it was found that there was a statistically significant corelation with symptomslike pain (p<0.05), sadness (p<0.001), insomnia (p<0.05), state of well being (p<0.001) and dyspnea (p<0.05).Similarly comparing symptoms of patients and mean Trait Anxiety score demonstrated significant correlationsfor fatigue (p<0.05), sadness (p<0.01), insomnia (p<0.01) and state of well-being (p<0.01). As a result, patientswith gynecological cancers experienced symptoms related to chemotherapy and a moderate level of anxiety. Inaccordance, appropriate interventions should recommended for the evaluation and improvement of anxiety andsymptoms related to treatment in cancer patients.
(2012). Anxiety and Symptom Assessment in Turkish Gynecologic Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13(7), 3129-3133.
. "Anxiety and Symptom Assessment in Turkish Gynecologic Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13, 7, 2012, 3129-3133.
(2012). 'Anxiety and Symptom Assessment in Turkish Gynecologic Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13(7), pp. 3129-3133.
, "Anxiety and Symptom Assessment in Turkish Gynecologic Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13 7 (2012): 3129-3133,
Anxiety and Symptom Assessment in Turkish Gynecologic Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2012; 13(7): 3129-3133.