Oleuropein Induces Anti-metastatic Effects in Breast Cancer


Breast cancer causes death due to distant metastases in which tumor cells produce matrix metalloproteinase(MMP) enzymes which facilitate invasion. Oleuropein, the main olive oil polyphenol, has anti-proliferative effects.This study aimed to investigate the effect of oleuropein on the metastatic and anti-metastatic gene expression inthe MDA human breast cancer cell line. We evaluated the MMPs and TIMPs gene expression by semi-quantitativereverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in treated and untreated cells. This study demonstratedthat OL may induce anti-metastatic effects on human breast cancer cells. We found that TIMP1,-3, and -4 wereover-expressed after all periods of incubation in treated cancer cells compared to untreated cells, while MMP2and MMP9 genes were down-regulated, at least initially. Treatment of breast cancer cells with oleuropein couldhelp in prevention of cancer metastasis by increasing the TIMPs and suppressing the MMPs gene expressions.
