The burden of lung cancer in terms of mortality is the highest among all types of cancers globally. Thepresent study aimed to evaluate lifestyle related habits, clinico-pathological profile and treatment details of lungcancer patients who were registered at Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC), Kerala, during the calendar year 2010.A retrospective evaluation was made from medical records to gather data from 281 registered lung cancer casesin 241 males and 40 females, with a male to female ratio of 6.03: 1. Approximately 89% of the cases were above50 years of age. Among males about 91% of the cases were smokers and 62% of them had a chronic smokinghabit. Adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, non-small cell carcinomas and small cell cancers accountedfor 10.7, 13.9, 17.0 and 5.7% respectively. Out of 281 cases around 67% were diagnosed with distant metastasisand the remainder had regional lymph node involvement. However, no statistically significant difference wasobserved for secondary site of tumor according to gender. As majority of the cases reported at MCC were in anadvanced stage of the disease, histology of the secondary site from supraclavicular lymph nodes or liver was takenfor diagnosis. Initiation of population based screening for early detection of cancer, and primary and secondaryprevention strategies for reducing the prevalence of tobacco consumption are high priorities to reduce the lungcancer burden in Kerala.