Complications of Completion Versus Total Thyroidectomy


Introduction : The objective of this study was to analyze the complication rates after completion thyroidectomyand compare them with primary total benign and malign thyroidectomy causes in total of 647 patients. Patientsand
Methods: Among 647 patients, there were 159 receiving completion thyroidectomy for differentiatedthyroiud cancer (DTC) (Group 1); 217 patients receiving total thyroidectomy for DTC (Group 2) and 271 giventotal thyroidectomy for benign diseases (Group 3).
Results: When groups were compared for complications,there were no significant difference except temporary hypocalcemia between completion thyroidectomy andtotal thyroidectomy for DTC. When the total thyroidectomies were compared (Group 2 and 3), there were nosignificant difference observed except unilateral temporary RLN palsy.
Conclusion: With improvements insurgical technique and experience, complication rates of thyroidectomy performed for benign or malign diseasesare reduced. In spite of the improvement in surgical experience, temporary RLN palsy and hypoparathyroidismare the main complications in completion thyroidectomies which need special attention. To evaluate the patientsmore carefully in preoperative period and performing adequate thyroidectomy appears more logical.
