Assessment of Cervical Cancer Risk in Women between 15 and49 Years of Age: Case of Izmir
Background: The aim of the study was to determine risk factors for cervical cancer for women in Izmir. Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive field covered a population of 4319 women of reproductive age (15-49)(household registration in the Mukhtar’s office-2007). A total of 1,637 women were included in the sample given afour-part questionnaire through face-to-face interview by visiting the women in their homes in order to determinesocio-demographic factors, obstetric history, genital hygiene and the use of family planning methods. In addition,during the data collection process, the women were given group training in order to raise awareness of cervicalcancer. The number and percentage distributions of the data were calculated. Results: While the average ageof the women was 31.9±9.77 (Min: 15.00-Max: 49.00), education level of 43.4% of them was elementary schoolonly. It was determined that 70.3% of the women experienced at least one pregnancy, 71.0% had vaginal deliveryand 75.9% used a contraceptive method. In the study it was determined that among the cervical cancer relatedrisks vaginal delivery, vaginal lavage and having three or more pregnancies had the highest rates, while havingsexual intercourse before 16 years of age and having more than one sexual partner constituted lower rates. Therate of the women who stated not having a smear in the last three years was 82.4%. Conclusions: Consideringthe case in terms of having Pap smear test, women’s awareness on the risk factors and early diagnosis of cervicalcancer was found to be low. Due to this reason, awareness of women has to be raised through education.
(2013). Assessment of Cervical Cancer Risk in Women between 15 and49 Years of Age: Case of Izmir. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(3), 2119-2125.
. "Assessment of Cervical Cancer Risk in Women between 15 and49 Years of Age: Case of Izmir", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 3, 2013, 2119-2125.
(2013). 'Assessment of Cervical Cancer Risk in Women between 15 and49 Years of Age: Case of Izmir', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(3), pp. 2119-2125.
, "Assessment of Cervical Cancer Risk in Women between 15 and49 Years of Age: Case of Izmir," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14 3 (2013): 2119-2125,
Assessment of Cervical Cancer Risk in Women between 15 and49 Years of Age: Case of Izmir. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013; 14(3): 2119-2125.