Oral cancer is a global health burden with high mortality and morbidity. Advances in treatment have failedto improve the relatively poor survival rate due to late-stage diagnosis. Early detection and screening have beenshown to be effective in reducing mortality and morbidity of most common cancers. Several studies have evaluatedthe effectiveness of oral cancer screening programs but clear results were not obtained. This narrative commentaryaimed to give a critical insight into the dilemma of oral cancer screening and to suggest recommendations forfuture trends. Conventional oral examination still constitutes the gold standard screening tool for potentiallymalignant oral lesions and cancer. Interestingly, the findings of the most lasting (15-year) randomized controlledtrial on oral cancer screening using visual examination (Kerala) supported the introduction of a screeningprogram in high-risk individuals. Several screening adjuncts exist but are still not at the introduction stage.Further research to find an appropriate adjunct reliable tool for oral cancer screening is needed. In conclusion,oral cancer fulfills most of the essential principles of cancer screening but still many points need to be clarified.Therefore, there is a striking need to establish a global consortium on oral cancer screening that will overseeresearch and provide recommendations for health authorities at regular intervals.