Background: The negative effects of gynecologic cancer on women’s health is multidimensional. Sexualproblems arising after chemotherapy are decreased interest and vaginal lubrication, lack of orgasm anddyspareunia and sense of reduction in sexual attractiveness in general. The purpose of this study was to evaluatechanges that patients who receive chemotherapy for a gynecologic oncology disorder experience in their sexualfunctions. Materials and Methods: A descriptive/cross-sectional and qualitative study was performed. TheFemale Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was used in order to collect data on sexual capacity. The quantitativedata obtained were evaluated with frequency and percentage calculations while content analysis was performedfor the qualitative data. Results: All of the information related to sexuality was provided by the physician.Chemotherapy treatment affected sexuality negatively in 55.9%. Since receiving the diagnosis, 52.9% of womenhad experienced no sexual intercourse at all. Those who had an FSFI score of 30 and below made up 75% ofthe women. After the content analysis of data obtained during in in-depth interviewing, we focused on threemain themes: desire for sexual intercourse, problems experienced during sexual intercourse, and coping withproblems. Conclusions: An integrated system where sexual problems can be handled professionally should bepresent during gynecological cancer treatment.
(2013). Sexual Functions of Turkish Women with Gynecologic Cancer during the Chemotherapy Process. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(6), 3561-3564.
. "Sexual Functions of Turkish Women with Gynecologic Cancer during the Chemotherapy Process", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 6, 2013, 3561-3564.
(2013). 'Sexual Functions of Turkish Women with Gynecologic Cancer during the Chemotherapy Process', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(6), pp. 3561-3564.
, "Sexual Functions of Turkish Women with Gynecologic Cancer during the Chemotherapy Process," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14 6 (2013): 3561-3564,
Sexual Functions of Turkish Women with Gynecologic Cancer during the Chemotherapy Process. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013; 14(6): 3561-3564.