Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate perceived inhibiting and facilitating factorsconcerning cervical cancer early diagnosis behavior in Turkish women over the age of 40. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out by qualitative focus group interview with 35 participating women, in theperiod between April-June 2010. A semi-structured interview questionnaire based on the Health Belief Modeland the Health Promotion Model was used. Content analysis was applied to the study data. Results: Barrierssuch as lack of knowledge of women as regards to the cervical cancer and early detection, lack of sensitivitynegligence,forgetting, fear, inadequacy of health insurance and transportation, financial problems, inability toget an appointment, lack of female doctors, embarassment, fatalist approach were frequently addressed. As forfacilitating factors, these included provision of information, health professionals showing interest and tolerance,free services, provision of transportation means and reminding telephone calls. Conclusions: Focus groupinterviews were found to beeffective in determining inhibiting and facilitating factors concerning cervical cancerearly diagnosis behavior. In line with the results of the study, preparation of structured national and regionaleducation programs and their addition to curriculum programs may be effective in realizing and maintainingpositive early detection behavior.
(2013). Barriers and Facilitating Factors Perceived in Turkish Women’s Behaviors Towards Early Cervical Cancer Detection: A Qualitative Approach. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(9), 4977-4982.
. "Barriers and Facilitating Factors Perceived in Turkish Women’s Behaviors Towards Early Cervical Cancer Detection: A Qualitative Approach", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 9, 2013, 4977-4982.
(2013). 'Barriers and Facilitating Factors Perceived in Turkish Women’s Behaviors Towards Early Cervical Cancer Detection: A Qualitative Approach', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(9), pp. 4977-4982.
, "Barriers and Facilitating Factors Perceived in Turkish Women’s Behaviors Towards Early Cervical Cancer Detection: A Qualitative Approach," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14 9 (2013): 4977-4982,
Barriers and Facilitating Factors Perceived in Turkish Women’s Behaviors Towards Early Cervical Cancer Detection: A Qualitative Approach. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013; 14(9): 4977-4982.