Anti-proliferation Effects of Interferon-gamma on Gastric Cancer Cells


IFN-γ plays an indirect anti-cancer role through the immune system but may have direct negative effects oncancer cells. It regulates the viability of gastric cancer cells, so we examined whether it affects their proliferationand how that might be brought about. We exposed AGS, HGC-27 and GES-1 gastric cancer cell lines to IFN-γand found significantly reduced colony formation ability. Flow cytometry revealed no effect of IFN-γ on apoptosisof cell lines and no effect on cell aging as assessed by β-gal staining. Microarray assay revealed that IFN-γchanged the mRNA expression of genes related to the cell cycle and cell proliferation and migration, as well aschemokines and chemokine receptors, and immunity-related genes. Finally, flow cytometry revealed that IFN-γarrested the cells in the G1/S phase. IFN-γ may slow proliferation of some gastric cancer cells by affecting thecell cycle to play a negative role in the development of gastric cancer.
