Background: This is a descriptive study to determine whether coursework that is focused on early diagnosisin cancer makes a difference in self-reported health promoting lifestyle behavior of students who study healthmanagement. Materials and Methods: The population of the study consisted of a sample of 104 students enrolledin the Department of Health Management at the Faculty of Health in Kirikkale University in Turkey. Fortyeightstudents enrolled in a course called “Early Diagnosis of Cancer” and fifty-six did not take this course.Demographic information was collected and the “Health Promotion Life-Style Profile (HPLP)” was used tocollect health promotion data. Frequency and descriptive statistics including one-way ANOVA, Mann-WhitneyU test, Kruskal Wallis tests were used to evaluate data. Results: The HPLP mean score of the students was foundto be 127.5±17.45. The highest mean score was observed for self-fulfillment and health responsibility, while thelowest was for diet and exercise sub-scales. It was found that certain variables were effective in developing healthpromoting lifestyle behaviors such as choosing this job voluntarily, working status of father and participationin social activity (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was found that the students had moderate levels of health promotinglifestyle behavior and they should be supported in terms of diet and exercise.
(2013). Differences in Health Promoting Lifestyle Behavior of Health Management Students Based Upon Early Diagnosis Coverage in a Cancer Course. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(10), 5769-5773.
. "Differences in Health Promoting Lifestyle Behavior of Health Management Students Based Upon Early Diagnosis Coverage in a Cancer Course", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 10, 2013, 5769-5773.
(2013). 'Differences in Health Promoting Lifestyle Behavior of Health Management Students Based Upon Early Diagnosis Coverage in a Cancer Course', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(10), pp. 5769-5773.
, "Differences in Health Promoting Lifestyle Behavior of Health Management Students Based Upon Early Diagnosis Coverage in a Cancer Course," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14 10 (2013): 5769-5773,
Differences in Health Promoting Lifestyle Behavior of Health Management Students Based Upon Early Diagnosis Coverage in a Cancer Course. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013; 14(10): 5769-5773.