In cervical cancer, one of the most common malignant tumors in women worldwide, miR-126 has been reportedto exhibit decreased expression. However, its role in cervical cancer cell proliferation and drug sensitivity hasremained relatively unexplored. Here, we compared the expression of miR-126 in cervical cancer tissues (n =20) with that in normal cervical tissue (n = 20) using quantitative RT-PCR. The viability of Siha cervical cancercells was further measured by MTT assay after transfection with miR-126 mimic (Siha-miR-126 mimic) ormicroRNA mimic negative control (Siha-miR mimic NC) and after treatment with various concentrations ofbleomycin (BLM). IC50s were calculated, and the survival rates (SRs) of Siha cells were calculated. miR-126expression in cervical cancer tissue was significantly decreased compared with that in normal cervical tissue (P< 0.01). The relative SRs of Siha-miR-126 mimic cells were also significantly decreased compared with those ofSiha-miR mimic NC cells at 24-96 h after transfection. The IC50 of BLM in Siha-miR-126 mimic cells (50.3 ±2.02 μg/mL) was decreased compared with that in Siha-miR mimic NC cells (70.5 ± 4.33 μg/mL) at 48 h aftertransfection (P < 0.05). Finally, the SRs of Siha-miR-126 mimic cells were significantly lower than those of SihamiRmimic NC cells after cultured in medium containing 40 μg/mL BLM for 24–96 h (P < 0.05). These resultssuggest that miR-126 is expressed at low levels in cervical cancer. Upregulation of miR-126 inhibited cervicalcancer cell proliferation and enhanced the sensitivity to BLM. Thus, miR-126 may represent a novel approachto cervical cancer treatment.
(2013). miR-126 Suppresses the Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells and Alters Cell Sensitivity to the Chemotherapeutic Drug Bleomycin. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(11), 6569-6572.
. "miR-126 Suppresses the Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells and Alters Cell Sensitivity to the Chemotherapeutic Drug Bleomycin", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 11, 2013, 6569-6572.
(2013). 'miR-126 Suppresses the Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells and Alters Cell Sensitivity to the Chemotherapeutic Drug Bleomycin', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(11), pp. 6569-6572.
, "miR-126 Suppresses the Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells and Alters Cell Sensitivity to the Chemotherapeutic Drug Bleomycin," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14 11 (2013): 6569-6572,
miR-126 Suppresses the Proliferation of Cervical Cancer Cells and Alters Cell Sensitivity to the Chemotherapeutic Drug Bleomycin. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013; 14(11): 6569-6572.