Capability for Change at Community Health Centers Serving Asian Pacific Islanders: An Exploratory Study of a Cancer Screening Evidence-based Intervention


Background: Understanding and enhancing change capabilities, including Practice Adaptive Reserve (PAR),of Community Health Centers (CHCs) may mitigate cancer-related health disparities. Materials and
Methods:Using stratified random sampling, we recruited 232 staff from seven CHCs serving Asian Pacific Islandercommunities to complete a self-administered survey. We performed multilevel regression analyses to examinePAR composite scores by CHC, position type, and number of years worked at their clinic.
Results: The meanPAR score was 0.7 (s.d. 0.14). Higher scores were associated with a greater perceived likelihood that clinic staffwould participate in an evidence-based intervention (EBI). Constructs such as communication, clinic flow,sensemaking, change valence, and resource availability were positively associated with EBI implementation ortrended toward significance.
Conclusions: PAR scores are positively associated with perceived likelihood of clinicstaff participation in cancer screening EBI. Future research is needed to determine PAR l
