Evaluation of Endometrial Precancerous Lesions in Postmenopausal Obese Women - A High Risk Group?


Aim: To evaluate precancerous lesions such as hyperplasia and endometrial polyps in obese postmenopausalwomen. Materials and
Methods: Women who were referred with abnormal uterine bleeding in postmenopausalperiod or the presence of endometrial cells on cervical cytology in our department were investigated.Anthropometric measurements such as height, weight, body mass index, waist/hip ratio and endometrialthickness were compared between a precancerous lesion (hyperplasia and endometrial polyp) group and apathologically normal group.
Results: We detected statistically significant thickening of endometrium in patientswith precancerous lesions. Moreover patients with precancerous lesions had higher body mass index than thepathologically normal group.
Conclusions: We found elevated precancerous lesion rates in overweight and obesewomen in the postmenopausal period, of interest given that the prevalence of obesity is increasing in most partsof the world. Although screening for endometrial cancer is not recommended for the general population, inhigh-risk populations like obese postmenopausal women, it may be very important.
