A Systemic Analysis of S-1 Regimens for Treatment of Patients with Colon Cancer


Background: Fluorouracil-based regimens have been widely accepted and recommended in the guidelinesfor treating patients with early or advanced staged colon cancer, although results are controversial. Here weperformed a systemic analysis to evaluate the impact of S-1 based regimens on response and survival of patientswith colon cancer.
Methods: Clinical studies evaluating the impact of S-1 based regimens on response andsurvival of patients with colon cancer were identified using a predefined search strategy. Summary responserates (RRs) to treatment were calculated.
Results: Six clinical studies which including 227 patients with advancedcolorectal cancer were considered eligible for inclusion. Two studies were conducted using combination of S-1and Oxaliplatin, and four studies featured S-1 and irinotecan. Systemic analysis showed that, in all patients,pooled RRs was 43.17%. Major adverse effects were hematological toxicities, gastrointestinal disturbance,neurosensory toxicity. No treatment related death occurred.
Conclusion: This systemic analysis suggests thatS-1 based regimens, both with oxaliplatin or irinotean are associated with acceptable response and toxicity inpatients with colon cancer.
