Objective: To evaluate the implementation of screening colonoscopy amongst first-degree relatives (FDRs)of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) in Turkey. Materials and Methods: A total of 400 first-degree relatives(mean(SD)age: 42.5(12.7) years, 55.5% were male) of 136 CRC patients were included in this cross-sectionalquestionnaire based survey. Data on demographic characteristics, relationship to patient and family history formalignancy other than the index case were evaluated in the FDRs of patients as were the data on knowledge aboutand characteristics related to the implementation of screening colonoscopy using a standardized questionnaireform. Results: The mean(SD) age at diagnosis of CRC in the index patients was 60.0(14.0) years, while mean(SD)age of first degree relatives was 42.5(12.7) years. Overall 36.3% of relatives were determined to have knowledgeabout colonoscopy. Physicians (66.9%) were the major source of information. Screening colonoscopy wasrecommended to 19.5% (n=78) of patient relatives, while 48.7% (n=38) of individuals participated in colonoscopyprocedures, mostly (57.9%) one year after the index diagnosis. Screening colonoscopy revealed normal findingsin 25 of 38 (65.8%) cases, while precancerous lesions were detected in 26.3% of screened individuals. In 19.0% ofFDRs of patients, there was a detected risk for Lynch syndrome related cancer. Conclusions: In conclusion, ourfindings revealed that less than 20% of FDRs of patients had received a screening colonoscopy recommendation;only 48.7% participated in the procedure with detection of precancerous lesions in 26.3%. Rise of awarenessabout screening colonoscopy amongst patients with CRC and first degree relatives of patients and motivationof physicians for targeted screening would improve the participation rate in screening colonoscopy by FDRs ofpatients with CRC in Turkey.
(2014). Implementation of Screening Colonoscopy amongst First-Degree Relatives of Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Turkey: a Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Based Survey. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15(14), 5523-5528.
. "Implementation of Screening Colonoscopy amongst First-Degree Relatives of Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Turkey: a Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Based Survey", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15, 14, 2014, 5523-5528.
(2014). 'Implementation of Screening Colonoscopy amongst First-Degree Relatives of Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Turkey: a Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Based Survey', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15(14), pp. 5523-5528.
, "Implementation of Screening Colonoscopy amongst First-Degree Relatives of Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Turkey: a Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Based Survey," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15 14 (2014): 5523-5528,
Implementation of Screening Colonoscopy amongst First-Degree Relatives of Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Turkey: a Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Based Survey. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014; 15(14): 5523-5528.