Background: Around 200,000 breast disorders are annually diagnosed all over the world. Fibrocysticchanges are the most common breast disorder and fibroadenoma is the most prevalent benign breast tumor.The present study aimed to determine the spectrum, type and prevalence of breast masses in women referredto Shiraz University of Medical Sciences between 2004 and 2012 . Materials and Methods: A cross-sectionalstudy was conducted on the diagnostic reports data. Results: A total of 640 samples were studied. Most 57.3% ofmasses were detected in the left breast, 65%, 28.2% and 6.1% of cases presenting with benign, malignant, andinflammatory lesions, respectively. Among all the samples the most prevalent diagnosis (37.7%) was fibroadenomaand fibrocystic lesions (17%). 174 samples (96% of the malignant cases) were invasive. 6.5% of the benign, and37% of the malignant cases occurred in post menopause women and the differences were statistically significant.Among those with malignant tumors lymph nodes were involved in 25.6% of menopausal women and 44.2%of non-menopausal ones, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions: Regular clinical breastexamination beside mammographic follow-ups, especially during menopause, should be carried out as a priorityand a national organized program should be designed for screening breast disorders.