Background: This study conducted to determine breast cancer awareness and influencing factors amongnursing students in the West Black Sea Region in Turkey. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptivestudy was conducted between April-May, 2014. The sample was 270 female nursing students. Data were collectedby Personal Information Form and Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS). Results: The students’mean age was 21.6±2.09 and 81.1% had knowledge about breast cancer from their academic education. It isfound that 63.7% of the students performed Breast Self-Examination (BSE) and 11.1% had a family memberdiagnosed with breast cancer. The CHBMS mean score of the students was 117.7±14.5. Conclusions: Breastcancer awareness of nursing students is on a good level and was affected by family history of breast cancer andhealth beliefs.