To assess survival outcomes in a retrospective study, recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer patients were dividedinto three groups according to the platinum free interval as follows: platinum refractory that included the patientswith tumor progression during treatment; platinum resistant and platinum sensitive that included the patientswith tumor progression less than or more than six months, respectively. Clinical data for tumor progressionin epithelial ovarian cancer patients treated at Chiang Mai University Hospital between January, 2006 andDecember, 2010 were reviewed. Thirty-nine patients were in the platinum refractory group while 27 were in theplatinum resistant group and 75 in the platinum sensitive group. The mean age, the parity, the administration ofneoadjuvant chemotherapy and the serous type did not significantly different across groups while the mean totalnumber of chemotherapy regimens, the early stage patients, the patients with complete surgery and the survivingpatients were significant more frequent in the platinum sensitive group. Regarding subsequent treatment aftertumor recurrence, 87.2% underwent chemotherapy. With the median follow up time at 29 months, the medianoverall survival rates were 20 months, 14 months and 42 months in platinum refractory, platinum resistant andplatinum sensitive groups, respectively (p<0.001). In addition, when the platinum sensitive patients developedthe next episode of tumor progression, the median progression free interval time was only three to four months.In conclusion, the outcomes for platinum refractory the and platinum resistant groups was poorer than theplatinum sensitive group. However, subsequent progression in the platinum sensitive group was also associatedwith a poor outcome.
(2014). Survival Outcomes of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Experience from a Thailand Northern Tertiary Care Center. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15(24), 10837-10840.
. "Survival Outcomes of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Experience from a Thailand Northern Tertiary Care Center", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15, 24, 2014, 10837-10840.
(2014). 'Survival Outcomes of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Experience from a Thailand Northern Tertiary Care Center', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15(24), pp. 10837-10840.
, "Survival Outcomes of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Experience from a Thailand Northern Tertiary Care Center," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15 24 (2014): 10837-10840,
Survival Outcomes of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Experience from a Thailand Northern Tertiary Care Center. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014; 15(24): 10837-10840.