Background: Older age is associated with an increase in the incidence of cancer cases. Diagnosis and treatmentof cancer in older adults can be stressful because of health decline related to age, comorbidities and inadequatetreatment for pain and other symptoms of the disease. This survey is one of the unique studies in Jordan andin the Arab world that aimed at exploring the predictors of older adult individuals awareness towards cancer.Materials and Methods: A stratified random sampling technique was followed to reach a representative sample of753 participants. The questionnaire of the study consisted of parts regarding demographic variables, awarenessabout screening tests, and signs and symptoms of cancer. In addition, specific questions related to factors linkedto cancer were included. Cross-sectional design was adopted with face-to-face interviews at the interviewees’households. Results: The mean age of the participants was about 63 years; around 44% of them are above theage of 65 years. ‘Being convinced that having no health problem makes the individual feel safe and not at riskof getting cancer’ was the major reason for not doing a routine health check-up. Conclusions: The low levelsof awareness about cancer, as well as the low use of the screening methods were crucial outcomes of this study.Thus, raising the awareness among health care providers and policy makers in the country about older adults’perception of cancer is a high priority.