Background: This study analyzed predictors of regular mammography performance in Korea. In addition,we determined factors affecting regular mammography performance in life-transition aged women by applyingan attitude, social influence, and self-efficacy (ASE) model. Materials and Methods: Data were collected fromwomen aged over 40 years residing in province J in Korea. The 178 enrolled subjects provided informed voluntaryconsent prior to completing a structural questionnaire. Results: The overall regular mammography performancerate of the subjects was 41.6%. Older age, city residency, high income and part-time job were associated with ahigh regular mammography performance. Among women who had undergone more breast self-examinations(BSE) or more doctors’ physical examinations (PE), there were higher regular mammography performancerates. All three ASE model factors were significantly associated with regular mammography performance.Women with a high level of positive ASE values had a significantly high regular mammography performancerate. Within the ASE model, self-efficacy and social influence were particularly important. Logistic regressionanalysis explained 34.7% of regular mammography performance and PE experience (β=4.645, p=.003), parttimejob (β=4.010, p=.050), self-efficacy (β=1.820, p=.026) and social influence (β=1.509, p=.038) were significantfactors. Conclusions: Promotional strategies that could improve self-efficacy, reinforce social influence and reducegeographical, time and financial barriers are needed to increase the regular mammography performance ratein life-transition aged.
(2015). Effects of Attitude, Social Influence, and Self-Efficacy Model Factors on Regular Mammography Performance in Life- Transition Aged Women in Korea. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(8), 3429-3434.
. "Effects of Attitude, Social Influence, and Self-Efficacy Model Factors on Regular Mammography Performance in Life- Transition Aged Women in Korea", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16, 8, 2015, 3429-3434.
(2015). 'Effects of Attitude, Social Influence, and Self-Efficacy Model Factors on Regular Mammography Performance in Life- Transition Aged Women in Korea', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(8), pp. 3429-3434.
, "Effects of Attitude, Social Influence, and Self-Efficacy Model Factors on Regular Mammography Performance in Life- Transition Aged Women in Korea," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16 8 (2015): 3429-3434,
Effects of Attitude, Social Influence, and Self-Efficacy Model Factors on Regular Mammography Performance in Life- Transition Aged Women in Korea. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015; 16(8): 3429-3434.