Diet and Colorectal Cancer Risk in Asia - a Systematic Review


Diet is one of the major factors that can exert a majorly influence on colorectal cancer risk. This systematicreview aimed to find correlations between various diet types, food or nutrients and colorectal cancer risk amongAsian populations. Search limitations include dAsian populations residing in Asia, being published from theyear 2008 till present, and written in the English language. A total of 16 articles were included in this systematicreview. We found that red meats, processed meats, preserved foods, saturated/animal fats, cholesterol, highsugar foods, spicy foods, tubers or refined carbohydrates have been found by most studies to have a positiveassociation with colorectal cancer risk. Inversely, calcium/dairy foods, vitamin D, general vegetable/fruit/fiberconsumption, cruciferous vegetables, soy bean/soy products, selenium, vitamins C,E and B12, lycophene, alphacarotene,beta-carotene, folic acid and many other vitamins and minerals play a protective role against colorectalcancer risk. Associations of fish and seafood consumption with colorectal cancer risk are still inconclusive dueto many varying findings, and require further more detailed studies to pinpoint the actual correlation. There iseither a positive or no association for total meat consumption or white meats, however their influence is not asstrong as with red and processed meats.
