Background: Primary bone neoplasms are rare, contributing only 0.2% of the global burden of all humanmalignancies. Osteosarcoma (OS) and chondrosarcoma (CS) are the most common malignancies of bone. Thegiant cell tumor of bone (GCTb) is a benign tumor with behavior characterized by osteolytic bone destruction.The OS, CS and GCTb affect both sexes, all races and generally have incidence peaks regarding the age of thepatient which vary according to the tumor type. We analyzed the incidences of OS, CS and GCTb and theirrelations with gender and age in patients treated in the National Rehabilitation Institute (INR, for its acronymin Spanish) over a period of nine years. Materials and Methods: In the study period, clinic pathological datafor 384 patients were obtained with clinical, radiological and histopathological diagnosis for OS, GCTb and CS.Data analysis was performed using the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests. Results: From 2006 to 2014 wererecorded 384 cases of bone malignancies in the database of INR. The GCTb had the highest incidence (53.1%),followed by OS (31.3%) and finally the CS (15.6%). The overall average age was 33.6±15.8 years and the overallfrequency of gender had a ratio of 1/1.03 male/female. The states with the highest incidence were Distrito Federaland Estado de Mexico with 29.2% and 25.3% respectively. Malignant neoplasms of bone assessed in the courseof nine years show three significant increases in 2008, 2011 and 2014 (p=0.14). We found association betweensex and tumor type (p=0.03), GCTb and CS predominated in females (54.9% and 56.6% respectively), while forthe OS males were most affected (59.1%). Age was different in relation with tumor type (p=0.0001), average agewas 24.3±11.2 years for OS, 34.5±13 years for GCTb and 49.2±18.5 years for CS. Furthermore, associations oftumor type with topographic location of the primary tumor (P=0.0001) were found. Conclusions: In this studywe can see that incidence of musculoskeletal tumor in our population is continuously increasing and in nineyears an approximately 200% increase of musculoskeletal tumor cases was observed.
(2015). Epidemiological Aspects of Osteosarcoma, Giant Cell Tumor and Chondrosarcoma Musculoskeletal Tumors - Experience of the National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(15), 6451-6455.
. "Epidemiological Aspects of Osteosarcoma, Giant Cell Tumor and Chondrosarcoma Musculoskeletal Tumors - Experience of the National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16, 15, 2015, 6451-6455.
(2015). 'Epidemiological Aspects of Osteosarcoma, Giant Cell Tumor and Chondrosarcoma Musculoskeletal Tumors - Experience of the National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(15), pp. 6451-6455.
, "Epidemiological Aspects of Osteosarcoma, Giant Cell Tumor and Chondrosarcoma Musculoskeletal Tumors - Experience of the National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16 15 (2015): 6451-6455,
Epidemiological Aspects of Osteosarcoma, Giant Cell Tumor and Chondrosarcoma Musculoskeletal Tumors - Experience of the National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015; 16(15): 6451-6455.