Cervical cancer is the second most common gynecological malignancy worldwide. According to HPVInformation Centre, Spain (Aug’2014), in India approximately 1,22,844 women are diagnosed with the diseaseevery year and of them 67,477 die due to the disease. CaCx is said to be mediated by HPV but recent data publishedreveal the role of Oxidative Stress in different Cancers. Arsenic is also one of the agents for causing OxidativeStress. Arsenic has been linked with different types of cancer. Arsenic is considered responsible for generation offree radicals and eventually for apoptosis. Early diagnosis of CaCx is presently a matter of concern and clinicalpresentation in advanced stages become difficult for complete clinical response. For determination of oxidativestress, Malondialdehyde (MDA) was taken as an identifier and arsenic estimation was performed with the helpof Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). RBC count and Haemoglobin levels were performed according tostandard protocol. MDA was in direct proportion with arsenic concentration and inversely proportional to RBCand Haemoglobin in CaCx patients. Arsenic is one of the major causative agents for oxidative stress and hencemay be a risk factor leading to cancer including CaCx.
(2015). Arsenic Exposure and Haematological Derangement in Cervical Cancer Cases in India. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(15), 6397-6400.
. "Arsenic Exposure and Haematological Derangement in Cervical Cancer Cases in India", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16, 15, 2015, 6397-6400.
(2015). 'Arsenic Exposure and Haematological Derangement in Cervical Cancer Cases in India', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(15), pp. 6397-6400.
, "Arsenic Exposure and Haematological Derangement in Cervical Cancer Cases in India," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16 15 (2015): 6397-6400,
Arsenic Exposure and Haematological Derangement in Cervical Cancer Cases in India. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015; 16(15): 6397-6400.