Department of Biology, Science Faculty, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran Email :
Background: Breast cancer molecular analysis by linkage analysis has the advantage of facilitating early diagnosis in asymptomatic genetic carriers, with a view to the preventive followup of these subjects and genetic counseling. The aim of this study was to evaluate BRCA1 gene D17S855 and D17S1322 markers in breast cancer patients. Materials and Methods: A series of 85 BC patients and 85 unrelated healthy women were recruited for haplotype analysis performed using two short tandem repeat markers located within the BRCA1 gene locus. Each marker was amplified with PCR genomic DNA from each individual and fluorescently endlabeled primers. Results: Both D17S855 and D17S1322 markers included 12 kinds of alleles. Results indicate that most of the BC patients shared two common 121150 (11.2%, RR1.56 and p0.02) and 121146 (5.6%, RR1.9 and p0.02) haplotypes. Conclusions: Our results should be helpful to understand the haplotype phase in the BRCA1 gene and establish a genetic screening strategy in the Iranian population.
Miresmaeili, S. Mohsen , Kordi Tamandani, D. and Moshtaghiun, S. Mohammad (2016). Haplotype Analysis of BRCA1 Gene D17S855 and D17S1322 Markers in Iranian Familial Breast Cancer Patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17(7), 3615-3617.
Miresmaeili, S. Mohsen, , Kordi Tamandani, D. , and Moshtaghiun, S. Mohammad. "Haplotype Analysis of BRCA1 Gene D17S855 and D17S1322 Markers in Iranian Familial Breast Cancer Patients", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17, 7, 2016, 3615-3617.
Miresmaeili, S. Mohsen, Kordi Tamandani, D., Moshtaghiun, S. Mohammad (2016). 'Haplotype Analysis of BRCA1 Gene D17S855 and D17S1322 Markers in Iranian Familial Breast Cancer Patients', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17(7), pp. 3615-3617.
S. Mohsen Miresmaeili , D. Kordi Tamandani and S. Mohammad Moshtaghiun, "Haplotype Analysis of BRCA1 Gene D17S855 and D17S1322 Markers in Iranian Familial Breast Cancer Patients," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17 7 (2016): 3615-3617,
Miresmaeili, S. Mohsen, Kordi Tamandani, D., Moshtaghiun, S. Mohammad Haplotype Analysis of BRCA1 Gene D17S855 and D17S1322 Markers in Iranian Familial Breast Cancer Patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2016; 17(7): 3615-3617.