Mammogram Uptake among Korean American Women in the South: Do Health Beliefs Matter?

Document Type : Research Articles


1 School of Social Work, Faculty, East Carolina University, Greenville, United States.

2 School of Social Work, PhD student, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, United States.

3 School of Social Work, Faculty, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, United States.


Background: Breast cancer is commonly diagnosed in Korean American women (KAW), and its incidence rates continue to increase. Despite the increasing burden of breast cancer diagnosis, screening rates among KAW remain low. There is a growing body of literature on breast cancer screening behaviors in this population; however, current knowledge regarding cultural influences and KAW’s mammogram use is limited, particularly in the southern part of the United States. Using the Health Belief Model, this study examined the association of culturally embedded health beliefs and mammogram use among KAW. Methods: Cross-sectional data were obtained from 538 KAW recruited in North Carolina. A hierarchical binary logistic regression was conducted to examine cultural health beliefs associated with mammogram use. Findings: Preventive health orientation (OR=1.16, CI=1.02-1.32) and perceived susceptibility (OR=1.32, CI=1.10-1.58) were positively associated with having a mammogram in the past two years, while fear (OR=0.58, CI=0.36-0.94) was negatively related to getting screened in the past two years. Conclusions: The current study findings inform future intervention strategies to promote mammogram screening among KAW in sociocultural context.


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