Snail Expression as a Prognostic Factor in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma

Document Type : Research Articles


1 Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

2 Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University, Indonesia.

3 Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, Hasanuddin University Hospital, Indonesia.

4 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

5 Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Indonesia.


Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of Snail in the colorectal adenocarcinoma. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. Seventy four paraffin embedded block of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma were assessed using Snail rabbit polyclonal antibody and their expression were performed using Olympus CX-43 light microscope. The relationship between Snail expression with histopathological grading, tumor budding grading, lymphovascular invasion and metastases of colorectal adenocarcinoma ability were statistically analyzed by Mann Whitney tests and presented in tables using SPSS 27. Result: From 74 samples examined, in samples with low grade tumor budding (n=11), there were 9 samples (81.8%) with weak expression, while those with strong expression were 2 samples (18.2%). In samples with intermediate grade tumor budding (n=28), there were 17 samples (60.7%) with weak expression, while those with strong expression were 11 samples (39.3%). In samples with high grade tumor budding (n=35), there were 13 samples (37.1%) with weak expression, while those with strong expression were 22 samples (62.9%). In samples with lymphovascular invasion (n=14), there were 10 samples (71.4%) with strong expression, while those with weak expression were 4 samples (28.6%). In samples with metastases (n=23), there were 16 samples (69.6%) with strong expression, while those with weak expression were 7 samples (30.4%). There was a significant relationship between the expression of Snail with tumor budding grade (p=0.003), lymphovascular invasion and metastases (p=<0.001), but there was no significant relationship with histopathological grade (p=0.942). Conclusion: The Snail expression can be used as a prognostic factor in colorectal adenocarcinoma.


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