Determining Physiotherapy Provision for People Living with Cancer in Oman

Document Type : Research Articles


1 Discipline of Physiotherapy, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.

2 Service Improvement Lead, Lean Transformation team, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.


Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop an understanding of physiotherapy services for patients with cancer in Oman, including the type of services offered, the clinicians involved and referral pathways, to identify possible barriers and limitations. Method: An online survey was developed to meet the aim and objectives of the study. The Qualtrics online platform was used to collect and initially analyze results. The primary outcomes included clinical experience, post-qualification education, details of place of work and the physiotherapy services provided, the referral process for patients, and barriers and obstacles preventing the development of oncology rehabilitation services. The Omani Physiotherapy Association and Medical Rehabilitation department sent the survey to all Oman-based physiotherapists between June 2023 and September 2023. One hundred and five physiotherapists commenced answering the survey, and 51 completed it. All 51 physiotherapists met the inclusion criteria as they were actively treating patients with cancer. Results: Fifty-one physiotherapists who regularly treat patients with cancer completed the survey. Thirty-nine (77%) had more than 5 years of clinical experience and 24/51 (47%) had engaged in post qualification education in oncology. Eleven participants (27%) reported the delivery of oncology exercise programme at their place of work, while 13/41 (32%) reported availability of specialized staff to deliver such a programme. Conclusion: Findings suggest a shortage of specialized physiotherapy staff in oncology, insufficient training for oncology physiotherapists, and centralization of services in Muscat city. Study showed low referral rate, mainly after finishing cancer treatment or while on treatment.


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